What a year!

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Published 19 June at 09:00AM, inNews



The 2022–2023 season is coming to a close, and we are brimming with enthusiasm for what’s to come in the year ahead.

This past year, the CFA Institute introduced a number of new initiatives to benefit candidates and members against an ever-changing landscape. The Data Science for Investment Professionals Certificate is one such initiative designed to help you stay at the cutting edge of our industry. Enhancements were also made to the CFA program, including hands-on learning modules covering such topics as financial modelling. Access to the program is now available starting in the second-last year of an undergraduate degree. This is another positive change and one that we hope will encourage more young people to enter this field.

We are very fortunate indeed to have a pool of over a hundred committed volunteers to draw from. They are the inspiration and impetus behind many of our activities and projects. Our community is richer for their contributions.

But above all else, we are grateful for YOU, our members.

Although our recent consultation process confirmed that we are all coping with the societal changes of the past two years, the outstanding attendance at our events in 2022–2023 confirms that our community is as vibrant as ever. The record turnouts at our 2023 Outlook event and Forecast Dinner were particularly heartening. But we promise not to rest on our laurels: we remain committed to providing relevant, informative and varied programming throughout the coming year and beyond.

With your comments and suggestions in hand, the CFA Montréal team is constantly working to improve the services we offer to meet the changing needs of members and candidates.

After all, YOU are what makes our industry what it is.

YOU and your expertise are the lifeblood of the Montreal financial ecosystem.

YOU uphold the ethics and integrity of the CFA designation within your respective organizations.

YOU are the future of the profession, as are the young CFA charterholders who look to your leadership for guidance.

Many of YOU go the extra mile by choosing to serve on our committees, thereby advancing our profession and opening up new possibilities. By navigating these challenges, you are doing your part to give back to our CFA family.

Each and every one of our 3,300 members is a source of motivation for us. Your energy propels us forward.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your ongoing dedication and for each and every conversation and interaction that encourages us to keep doing what we do.

We look forward to tackling new challenges with and for you in September. Until then, we wish you a wonderful summer!