President's Message to candidates - November 2020

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Published 16 November at 09:00AM, inInformation - candidates


Dear Candidates:

As 2020 begins to wind down, we will soon be embarking on a new year, which we hope will be a much less eventful one as far as your experience with the CFA program is concerned.

Your ability to adapt to change has genuinely been put to the test in the past months. We are pleased to see that most of you have nevertheless signed up for one of the exam sessions scheduled in 2021. Your determination will undoubtedly pay off over the long run. The CFA Institute is doing everything in its power to maximize the various testing centres’ capacity to accommodate all candidates. Incidentally, for all program- and exam-related information, the CFA Institute remains your primary contact.

As for CFA Montréal, we are working closely with our partner to put together a mock exam to help you prepare. Be sure to watch for more information in the coming weeks.

You may be interested to know that CFA Montréal members are eligible to take the mock exam for free. That is only one of many membership privileges, which also include exclusive access to job offers and preferred rates for CFA Montréal events.

The next activity you may wish to explore is Discovery Day — Careers in Finance. This is a unique opportunity to ask industry professionals about their career paths and what the CFA program has done for them. The online event will take place on November 19, and there are still spots available.

Early in 2021, we will be debuting a new event that will let you connect with new CFA charterholders and find out more about their experience. We have four speakers lined up for you: be sure to sign up to hear more about their winning strategies, the pitfalls they encountered along the way and the tips they have to help you succeed. Stay tuned: we’ll have more details for you soon.

I hope the end of this year is kind to you all. And best of luck to those who will be writing their Level I exam in February.