Forecast dinner: the great celebration of the industry!

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Published 17 June at 03:25PM, inNews


The Forecast Dinner, a flagship event in finance, set a record with a packed room of more than 850 participants at the Palais des Congrès in Montreal on June 13. Gathered first on the terrace in a summer atmosphere, then in front of a panel of experts for their with highly anticipated analysis, our members and their guests enjoyed from stimulating discussions during this unmissable meeting. We were able to enjoy their company and the energizing vibrations of this crowd who came to meet their peers during this edition hosted by Karl Gagné, CFA, Administrator of CFA Montréal.

We owe the success of this evening to our panelists Karen Karniol-Tambour (Bridgewater) and Torsten Slok (Apollo Global Management) who, not only presented their perspective on the global market but also discussed economic trends with Vincent Delisle, CFA (CDPQ).

We would like to thank everyone who was present during these annual gathering as well as our partners for their valuable support.

The Forecast Evening closed a season rich in meetings and learning all brilliantly prepared by our programming committee.

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