A New Strategic Plan to Guide the Development of Our Organization Through to 2024

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Published 28 May at 09:00AM, inNEW FROM YOUR SOCIETY


During the past year, the Strategic Planning Committee (1),chaired by Odrée Ducharme, CFA (CDPQ), worked on the new strategic directions and objectives of our association. The Committee also submitted to the Board of Directors a revised mission statement, an ambitious and engaging vision, and a new set of complementary values to support the standards of ethics and professional excellence that are an innate part of the CFA® designation. This was a joint undertaking in collaboration with the Executive Director and in consultation with our strategic and management committees.

The CFA Montréal Board of Directors will continue to help members develop their competencies and advance their careers by providing them with the latest news (via our website and events), valuable training opportunities, high-quality networking activities, access to preferred job postings and mentoring services. In so doing, CFA Montréal will strive to remain at the forefront of innovation in the investment industry, implement a competency development, career assistance and continuing education program, and host premium-quality discussion forums.

A significant change

In addition to the new strategic plan, we are preparing to transition to a new operational model. The coming 18 months will see a number of changes designed to shift from a primarily outsourcing-centric model to one that comprises a mix of permanent key staff members and ongoing subcontracting for select professional functions. With this new model, the Board hopes to play a more strategic role and put an in-house team in place that will ensure the association’s sustainability over the long term.

Strategic directions and ambitious objectives

Although CFA Montréal’s priorities have changed over time, its purpose has stayed the same: to remain relevant to its members and the investment industry. As such, we are determined to contribute to the feeling of pride our members have in their status as CFA charterholders and in their association. As an organization, we aspire to be recognized for the expertise and influence of our members within Montreal’s financial ecosystem.

Here are the four strategic directions that will underpin our organization’s actions through to 2024.

 1- Ensure the long-term financial health of CFA Montréal

  • Diversify and optimize revenue streams.
  • Reduce outsourcing costs.

2- Orchestrate our successful organizational transition without losing sight of our core values

  • Become a first choice employer.
  • Implement and adapt to an operational framework.
  • Continue moving toward a strategic governance model.

3- Support and develop the commitment of our members and candidates toward their association

  • Enhance and diversify the services provided to members and candidates, by continuing to develop activities focusing on ongoing information, career developpement and building a continuing education offering.
  • Tailor messages to help foster a culture of engagement.

4- Elevate the association’s standing within the Montréal financial ecosystem.

  • Promote the CFA designation and the core values it represents.
  • Showcase innovations, trends and developments that impact the investment industry, including:
    • Diversity within the investment community
    • Integration of technology (fintech) and ESG factors into the investment process.

Please see our CFA Montréal summary strategic plan for more information about our new mission, vision and values.

(1) Strategic Planning Committee members are Odrée Ducharme, CFA (CDPQ), Jean-Bastien Auger, CFA (PSP Investments), Julie Ducharme, CFA (PH&N), Ludovic Dumas, CFA (Claridge), Carl Robert, CFA (PSP Investments) and Caroline Soulas (Executive Director, CFA Montréal).